Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is College Useful?

Many People ask is  college useful, well I'm telling you that college is useful because it transforms you into someone that you need to be for the career you chose. Many people come to college for the parties, and to meet new people, but also many come to better themselves. Being a successful person is something that everyone dreams about. Making the decision to go to college will change your life because you get a chance that many people don't get. According to Robert Hoggard "One can never truly understand what determination is without finishing college because studying and finishing assignments on time takes innate willpower that many people who opt-out of college do not possess." For me, I believe college is useful because I know in order to pursue my career I need to get an education. College is a step that would improve someone mentally because it will prepare someone for the things the world has in store for them. In an article Louis Maynard says "College exposes future citizens to material that enlightens and empowers them, whatever careers they end up choosing." As kids we were told that college was something that we had to do once we finished high school, at such a young age most people don't think of college because they see the famous people on T.V that are rich and they didn't go to college so many people base their future off of the celebrities on T.V. Some celebrities on T.V. convey the wrong message to young people because for some it makes them think that college isn't worth the time, so many kids don't apply themselves to their work because they want to be like the celebrities. During my four years of high school my teachers held my hand and let me do things that I can’t do now that I am in college, so now I have to adjust o doing everything by myself and not have my teacher helping me through it. Holly Higgins says "Don't think it's just about what employers want. University is a great opportunity to learn what you can do as an individual." As kids we went through many preparation stages when it came to education from preschool to high school we had someone by our side every step of the way to hold our hand and to help us through every assignment and project. Many may find college difficult because in college your teachers don't hold your hand like your teachers did throughout your school career. For many students high school crippled them and it is now hurting them because they aren't use to having to do work completely by themselves, which is another reason why college is a decision that everyone should make because it prepares you to do things by yourself. According to Bobby Fang "Studies show that nationally, 60 percent of students graduate in majors different from those in which they began." College is a useful tool because it can change someone's  entire life and help them help someone else. Another reason why many people do not want to go to college is because of the money and the loans they will have to get just to be able to afford college. According to C. Cryn Johannsen "According to the Department of Education, those recent graduates who began repayments in 2009, 8.8 percent had already defaulted on their federal loans." Yes, college is expensive but this is one expense that is worthwhile it will follow you for the rest of your life and can help you in many different situations.  When it comes to education and your future I don't believe that it should be a price on that. If all of the people in the world didn't make the decision to go to college our world as we know it would very hectic. Without college educations we wouldn't have any doctors, nurses, lawyer or anyone that keeps us safe or regulate our world as we know it. Would you want to live in the world we live in now or an educated one? I have figure that even by experience that if you present an idea to a young person and it doesn't appeal to them they will not think about that idea at all because it didn't appeal to them. I believe that if there was a way to appeal to the young kids about college that a lot of people that will give the thought of college another thought. For most people it’s not all about making money sometimes it is about them making something of them self or trying to make a better way for their family and if they go to college they will find that their professors will support their motives and help them. The professors in college are they to support you and help you and they will make it very comfortable for you. Yes there are some point’s negative points but overall I believe that a college education is a positive stepping stone for anyone who has plans of a big future. There has been a record of a lot of college drop outs, but according to Hvolbeck  "Education as a dwelling in the human experience of reality is ending. As with the Roman Empire, it is ending with a whimper, not a bang." Our generation needs to change that because we have very smart young people we just have to get their attention. Young people who love money, college is the head start that you need because it will put you one step closer to the money you want. You don't have to go to college to be successful but it is a wonderful idea for everyone to jump start what could be a wonderful life,, all because you took the time to make a decision that will change your life. The choice is totally up to you no one but you so you make the choice! I know that college is useful for me but my question to you is, do you think college is useful for you?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why College

"Why college?" I chose to go to college because I wanted to better myself, give myself a better future. Since I was a little kid I always wanted to attend college, going through each year at school made me realize that I was another step closer to reaching my dream. Another reason is that my parents both went to college and they did not finish because they let someone tell them that they were not smart enough to finish school. My sister graduated from University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa so when she graduated she told me to go to school and make something out of myself and never let a person tell me that I wasn't smart enough to finish school. My parents didn't care what school I went to they just wanted me to go to school and excel so I can have a great future. As a kid I saw all the different professions that people had and the one thing they all had in common was that they all went to school and from then on I knew in order for me to get the career I wanted I had to go to school. I love school, because I love being introduced to new things that will expand my knowledge. So I guess to answer the question "Why College?" it would be to say that I didn't have a choice this was a priority, because I know that in the end I will be happy with what I accomplished.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Janacia Jackson

Hi Everyone, my name is Janacia Jackson and I was born in Birmingham, Alabama. I have three siblings and I am the youngest but I am the protector of all my siblings. I graduated from a Fultondale High School which is very small. I had a lot of fun in high school and I loved my English class. I played basketball and volleyball during high school and I did field events in track. I am very spoiled since I am the baby. Many people call me Jay, because they cant pronounce my name correctly. My hobbies consist of anything sports related singing, and dancing. I love to sing with my mom and sister. I feel that I achieved a lot in high school and I changed for the better. I was accepted at many different Universities but I chose to come to Jacksonville State University because their Nursing program was ranked very high. I planned on majoring in Nursing and minoring in Sports Medicine, but I couldn't do that so I just made my minor my major and I will return to school after I graduate to get a degree in Nursing. Next year, you will hopefully see me playing on both the Volleyball and Basketball team. I am loving Jacksonville State University so far and I know that I will enjoy this class and I am very excited about all the things that I will learn.I know that when we leave this class we will leave with more knowledge about this than when we walked in. You can follow me on Twitter @Tru_Songbird.