Monday, November 5, 2012

Are we ill prepared?

 photo credit: <a href="">adwriter</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

While in high school many people have to make a enormous decision, "is college for me or not?" For some they wonder if college will ever benefit them. When you are in the senior year of high school that is when the usual thought for most teens is college. Many teenagers think about the different ways that they will be able to benefit while others think of the many reasons on why they shouldn't attend college. The transition from high school to college is very big and for some it is found to be very difficult. According to College Admissions "The transition from high school to college can be a difficult one. Both your social and academic life will be remarkably different from high school." While you are in high school you get accustomed to being around your parents and someone helping you with the majority of everything that you do. College is different because you have to make your own decisions and do everything for yourself because your parents aren't there anymore. While many know that your parents cant be in college with you everyday many feel like that is one reason why they will not be able to survive in college.

Family is a big factor when you are deciding on college, but for many its just the fact that college is very expensive. College is something that many families have to plan early when it comes directly to funds, because for some children they are coming from a single parent household. According to The Western Front " Parents of Generation Z (who range from ages 13 to 22), 58 percent say they took out student loans to fund their own college education, and, of those, 43 percent report they are still repaying those loans." Many children don't want to go to college because they feel that it will put their family in a financial bind. College is expensive for anyone but the prices rise for the out of state students. Christina Fierro says " the average cost of attendance at a four-year, in-state public school for the 2010-2011 academic year rose 6.1% year over year to $16,140." It is a fact that most of the students that are in college had to take out loans. College students have to take out loans just to continue school but some of the loans people receive are ones they have to repay. By the time many students graduate they are in debt because they have to pay back the money they borrowed. Statistics say "one-third of students took out loans to attain a bachelor's degree with an average loan of $12,600, and 17% of students borrow $30,500 by the time they graduate."Yes college is expensive but the question is will it prepare you for the life after college. Many believe that college is not the step to take when it comes to your future, because you have college graduates that have a degree and they cant get a job. The dream for most teenagers is to have a lot of money so they will be able to take care of their family, many college graduates found out the hard way that just because you have a degree doesn't promise you a career.

 photo credit: <a href="">osiatynska</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

 There are many ways that they convey to children that college, for example many parents tell their kids that they will get a great job if they go to college. Children see ads on television about different schools and the many opportunities they can have for a education an the money they can make in their field. One thing that all kids have in common is television, all the kids see how its some people who are rich and they didn't reach the college level. When they see information on people like John D. Rockerfeller was a high school dropout, became the first American billionaire and is said to be the richest man in history. When teenagers see facts like this they wonder what could a degree do for me if its other people in the world who didn't complete high school and they are famous. My opinion on this situation is that if we want more people to go to college, which we do because we need educated people to help run the U. S then we need to tell them more than "a college degree will give you a great paying job." We need to map out the reasons on why people should go to college not just for the money, this is a statement that has been around for a while and I believe that it is time we go into profound detail of this statement and give the truth. The children are our future and we need to change some details in the education for our future college students. I believe that we are ill prepared and so are many others but if we work together we can better the future.
                             photo credit: <a href="">Julie70</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that we are not prepared for college. I believe that we are ill prepared to go to college due to the lack of individualistic thinking. Also I agree that we are not ready because of the massive debt people collect like you stated.
