Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Moving Foward To My Future!

I am very proud of the progress that I have made during this semester in this class. As most of us all know we learned very quickly that we really didn't know exactly everything when it comes to writing. I quickly found out that the writing that I did in high school is different and it is not on the same level as College writing. I was not prepared coming into this course but when I started blogging with the help of my classmates and my teacher I quickly learned. College writing is not easy at all because you have to think of everything for yourself and it isn't given to you. I feel that I am more prepared to write than I was thanks to this course.  This course will definitely help anyone who has trouble with writing because this course and the work that you will have to do make you think outside of the box and come up with original ideas.    

       As for me I know that when I first started blogging I would ramble and struggle to stay on topic. I am personally proud of my blog post "Is College Useful." I chose this topic because for many students even with many of the people who attend Jacksonville State University, feel like college is something that can benefit them but it wont help them in the "real world."  I could relate to this topic because many people look at the fact that college is expensive and that many graduates don't have jobs when they first leave college so they feel like school won't benefit them. There are many opinions to the sufficiency of college and I just felt like I should let my opinion known. I believe that if I voiced my opinion then maybe I would be able to change someones mind and make them want to pursue college. I made my opinion clear with my information and also my media. I believe this is one blog post that showed my improvement in writing. The fact that people agreed with me on this topic further told me that I should never be afraid to voice my opinion because you never know who else might feel like the same way you do.

  My second favorite is "All About Janacia Jackson," I love this post because it lets my fellow classmates know a little about me and everyone saw my hobbies and talents. I saw as I wrote this blog that I have become more of an outspoken person when it comes to myself. Because of this blog post I had to come out of my box and actually talk about myself when I am used to just fading into the background. I actually liked the fact that I had to voice myself because it made me feel like what I said mattered and It felt comfortable to be able to talk about something and not be afraid of others response on how you feel about a certain situation. This has made me open up!

In my blog post  "Why College," I was just giving my personal background on why I chose to go to college, Writing this blog clarified the reason why I came to college. I know that for many people they go to college because their parents want them to go and they tell them that they have no choice. For me I chose to go to college because I have a life planned out and I know that it will only come if i pursue a college education. My sister had the same reasoning she plans on being a famous singer as well as me but we both know that f things don't go right then we have to have a plan B. For me my education comes first and I know that it will take me somewhere because I enjoy that line of work I am pursing. Going to college is a personal choice that many people struggle with, but at the end of the day you have to do what is best for you and no one else. Personal choices was my main focus to let people know that you can still be someone and not go to college, but only you can make that decision.

I am very happy that I took this course because I found out things that I didn't learn in high school. I know that when it comes to writing I know that I will be able to complete any assignment efficiently all because I took this class  and I learned how to write correctly. I have learned a lot over this semester and I am very excited to see what the future holds for my writing skills.

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