Saturday, December 8, 2012

Capstone Project By Janacia J, Nakesha W, and Darius M

This project was very interesting. The project that we decided on was using technology in the classroom setting. Even though this is a broad search we narrowed the search into integrating databases and spreadsheets into the classroom setting. Janacia, Nakesha, and me have discovered that if teachers would integrate spreadsheets and databases into the classroom students would be encouraged to study more. We found out that spreadsheets not only helps out teachers well as perform calculations on large sets of numbers quickly and efficiently. A benefit of working with calculations and formulas in a spreadsheet is that students can quickly see how changing certain number affects the overall output or result of the formula. While spreadsheets are widely believed to help students visualize numeric concepts better than other.

Another interesting tactics to help students study more is integrating databases in the classroom setting. In our research we found out that a database is just what it sounds like a base or place for storing and organizing data.

That is why we want to integrate the use of technology but to be specific, spreadsheets and databases into the classroom setting because it really would help students as well as teachers. By using these tactics teachers can help students access complex information and turn it into an effective learning experience. In the classroom, spreadsheet and databases are used among all age groups.Some teachers do not use them very often unless its for things like grade books or attendance. This class really made us realize that integrating spreadsheets will really help a student in order to stay on tact with school work. The way our English 101 incorporated our lesson plan into a spreadsheet was a great idea. While both spreadsheets and databases deal with numbers and data analysis, each is unique in its function and purpose.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Moving Foward To My Future!

I am very proud of the progress that I have made during this semester in this class. As most of us all know we learned very quickly that we really didn't know exactly everything when it comes to writing. I quickly found out that the writing that I did in high school is different and it is not on the same level as College writing. I was not prepared coming into this course but when I started blogging with the help of my classmates and my teacher I quickly learned. College writing is not easy at all because you have to think of everything for yourself and it isn't given to you. I feel that I am more prepared to write than I was thanks to this course.  This course will definitely help anyone who has trouble with writing because this course and the work that you will have to do make you think outside of the box and come up with original ideas.    

       As for me I know that when I first started blogging I would ramble and struggle to stay on topic. I am personally proud of my blog post "Is College Useful." I chose this topic because for many students even with many of the people who attend Jacksonville State University, feel like college is something that can benefit them but it wont help them in the "real world."  I could relate to this topic because many people look at the fact that college is expensive and that many graduates don't have jobs when they first leave college so they feel like school won't benefit them. There are many opinions to the sufficiency of college and I just felt like I should let my opinion known. I believe that if I voiced my opinion then maybe I would be able to change someones mind and make them want to pursue college. I made my opinion clear with my information and also my media. I believe this is one blog post that showed my improvement in writing. The fact that people agreed with me on this topic further told me that I should never be afraid to voice my opinion because you never know who else might feel like the same way you do.

  My second favorite is "All About Janacia Jackson," I love this post because it lets my fellow classmates know a little about me and everyone saw my hobbies and talents. I saw as I wrote this blog that I have become more of an outspoken person when it comes to myself. Because of this blog post I had to come out of my box and actually talk about myself when I am used to just fading into the background. I actually liked the fact that I had to voice myself because it made me feel like what I said mattered and It felt comfortable to be able to talk about something and not be afraid of others response on how you feel about a certain situation. This has made me open up!

In my blog post  "Why College," I was just giving my personal background on why I chose to go to college, Writing this blog clarified the reason why I came to college. I know that for many people they go to college because their parents want them to go and they tell them that they have no choice. For me I chose to go to college because I have a life planned out and I know that it will only come if i pursue a college education. My sister had the same reasoning she plans on being a famous singer as well as me but we both know that f things don't go right then we have to have a plan B. For me my education comes first and I know that it will take me somewhere because I enjoy that line of work I am pursing. Going to college is a personal choice that many people struggle with, but at the end of the day you have to do what is best for you and no one else. Personal choices was my main focus to let people know that you can still be someone and not go to college, but only you can make that decision.

I am very happy that I took this course because I found out things that I didn't learn in high school. I know that when it comes to writing I know that I will be able to complete any assignment efficiently all because I took this class  and I learned how to write correctly. I have learned a lot over this semester and I am very excited to see what the future holds for my writing skills.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Are we ill prepared?

 photo credit: <a href="">adwriter</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

While in high school many people have to make a enormous decision, "is college for me or not?" For some they wonder if college will ever benefit them. When you are in the senior year of high school that is when the usual thought for most teens is college. Many teenagers think about the different ways that they will be able to benefit while others think of the many reasons on why they shouldn't attend college. The transition from high school to college is very big and for some it is found to be very difficult. According to College Admissions "The transition from high school to college can be a difficult one. Both your social and academic life will be remarkably different from high school." While you are in high school you get accustomed to being around your parents and someone helping you with the majority of everything that you do. College is different because you have to make your own decisions and do everything for yourself because your parents aren't there anymore. While many know that your parents cant be in college with you everyday many feel like that is one reason why they will not be able to survive in college.

Family is a big factor when you are deciding on college, but for many its just the fact that college is very expensive. College is something that many families have to plan early when it comes directly to funds, because for some children they are coming from a single parent household. According to The Western Front " Parents of Generation Z (who range from ages 13 to 22), 58 percent say they took out student loans to fund their own college education, and, of those, 43 percent report they are still repaying those loans." Many children don't want to go to college because they feel that it will put their family in a financial bind. College is expensive for anyone but the prices rise for the out of state students. Christina Fierro says " the average cost of attendance at a four-year, in-state public school for the 2010-2011 academic year rose 6.1% year over year to $16,140." It is a fact that most of the students that are in college had to take out loans. College students have to take out loans just to continue school but some of the loans people receive are ones they have to repay. By the time many students graduate they are in debt because they have to pay back the money they borrowed. Statistics say "one-third of students took out loans to attain a bachelor's degree with an average loan of $12,600, and 17% of students borrow $30,500 by the time they graduate."Yes college is expensive but the question is will it prepare you for the life after college. Many believe that college is not the step to take when it comes to your future, because you have college graduates that have a degree and they cant get a job. The dream for most teenagers is to have a lot of money so they will be able to take care of their family, many college graduates found out the hard way that just because you have a degree doesn't promise you a career.

 photo credit: <a href="">osiatynska</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

 There are many ways that they convey to children that college, for example many parents tell their kids that they will get a great job if they go to college. Children see ads on television about different schools and the many opportunities they can have for a education an the money they can make in their field. One thing that all kids have in common is television, all the kids see how its some people who are rich and they didn't reach the college level. When they see information on people like John D. Rockerfeller was a high school dropout, became the first American billionaire and is said to be the richest man in history. When teenagers see facts like this they wonder what could a degree do for me if its other people in the world who didn't complete high school and they are famous. My opinion on this situation is that if we want more people to go to college, which we do because we need educated people to help run the U. S then we need to tell them more than "a college degree will give you a great paying job." We need to map out the reasons on why people should go to college not just for the money, this is a statement that has been around for a while and I believe that it is time we go into profound detail of this statement and give the truth. The children are our future and we need to change some details in the education for our future college students. I believe that we are ill prepared and so are many others but if we work together we can better the future.
                             photo credit: <a href="">Julie70</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Monday, October 22, 2012

Unprepared For The "Real World"?

photo credit: <a href="">jpellgen</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

   The question that always floats around is "will I have a job after college?" In this essay I read about how a recent college graduate struggled with this very question. This particular essay explains the things that many students worry about when they get ready to enter into the college life. This college graduate is from Pennsylvania and she was a hard working student who loved education. She made good grades and because she did she was rewarded by being accepted into the University of Chicago. As a college student I myself worry about if all my work that I will be pursuing in college will be worth it. As I read this essay I realized that I had the same thoughts that she had when she first entered into the college life. When you enter into college you have many choices that you have to make and some of them can change your whole life. The one thing that many people don't realize is when they continue onto college there isn't a promise that you will get a job once you receive your college degree.
      In this essay I learned that when you receive your degree and it is time for you to go and look for jobs you need to find a job that you love and one that makes you happy. Sarah Idzik graduated from college and it was time for her to look for jobs and she went into a job that she didn't like and she has been in the same job for three years. For me this is inspiring me to find a career that will make me happy and not a career that has a good pay. Because of the fact that Sarah was working a job that she didn't like she was sad all the time. Sarah went through a lot of stress and trouble to while at the job that was making her very unhappy so my main lesson  from this portion of the essay was just make sure that you find a job that will make you happy. The author wanted to make sure that she got across the point that the choices you make about your job will make a difference in your life and I agree. This author used her life to connect with college students and warn them that there are many things that you will need to put some thought into when it comes to finding a career.
       I had many questions before reading this essay and after reading this I found all the answers to my questions. I believe that all of the college students and college graduates should read this essay. This is a great lesson for many students, because I am a college student I will keep this in my perspective when I get to the point of choosing a career. I understand that there are many things that educators don't inform students about and I believe that all students should read different essays like this because it will prepare them for the "real world."
               photo credit: <a href="">Tyler Yip</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

The main factor that people put before their happiness when it comes to careers is money. The one question that many people ask when looking for a career is how much does it pay. The pay is a great factor on a job but it shouldn't be the main factor because you should want to find a job that makes you happy not a job that you dread going to everyday. The pay is something many college graduates think about because they are having to pay back loans and other debts but most of all they just want money. This rising epidemic because there are many students and young people that are finding great jobs with great pay and they aren't happy. College Graduates need to take the time and make sure that they will be getting a job that they will enjoy not one that makes them miserable. If I have learned anything from this essay I learned that money isn't more important than my happiness and that jobs aren't promised to a college graduate just because of your degree. My advice to college students is make sure you are happy and that whatever you want to do will please you and no one else.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Is College Sufficient?

photo credit: charamelody via photopin cc

       Many people question if college is actually good enough. For me I believe that college is good because it prepares you for the life that you will have in the 21st century. Going to college is a great move for the future but you also have to look at the fact that just like anything else college has some negative factors as well. While in school you can absorb new skills to help you in the future but you can also go to school and not receive anything. Gary Gutting says "This lack of academic engagement is real, even among schools with the best students and the best teachers, and it increases dramatically as the quality of the school decreases.  But it results from a basic misunderstanding — by both students and teachers — of what colleges are for." For many children the thought of college is a priority that has been drilled into the plans of kids by their family. When kids go through school most aren't doing it to benefit themselves, but to please their family. In regard to the educators, they will have to find another way to draw the attention of students if they don't then they will continuously lose students. As a student I can attest to the fact that there are some professors that don't take the time to make sure that their students understand the lesson. An educator has a duty to be sure that their kids understand the lesson but that isn't always what happens. According to College In America "30% of College and University students drop out of school before their second year." To read the statistic that 30% of college students will drop is sad and the reason for the drop out is because of the lack of understanding between the teacher and student. I believe that if the teachers found another way to present the information to the students and made sure they understood then the drop out rate would drop. Looking at drop out rates of college students would make young people not want to go to college because they would be afraid that they would be apart of the statistics. The different reports alone run away many students so I believe that the communication with the students is a place where major improvement is needed.
           photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc
      In the 21st century you have to know how to behave and you have certain knowledge to get around in this century. I believe that our world would be better if we help our college students. The more help that our college students receive the better off they will be when they enter into the work force. Ramesh says that "40% of kids who enroll in college don't get a degree within six years — may be a sign that we're trying to push too many people who aren't suited for college to enroll. I believe that when you hear or see a statistic such as this you start to wonder what the different colleges aren't doing for the kids. Universities need to change the way that they prepare students if they see an excessive amount of dropouts. Judge Mathis says "We become concerned about the limited career options and decreased earning potential they’ll face without a college degree. Rarely do we think of the cost to the larger society. But we should." I believe that if the universities will work on the teacher student communication then they will prevent a lot of drop outs.
To help the upcoming college students I believe that all Colleges and Universities should take a very precise test showing whether they are failing their students or preparing their students for the workplace. If the student isnt up to par then it isnt their problem because they are a product of their previous schools. Students are very ill prepared different educators say, "Learning by rote has become the norm, with students often get by simply by learning quotations and regurgitating points they learned from SparkNotes. Although such superficial learning may get students past A-Levels, when it comes to university they often get a rude awakening." I agree with this statement because I know that the school that I graduated from we studied basically from sparknotes and I really wasnt prepared mentally for college while in highschool. Everyone knows why college is good but I want you to ask yourself am I really being prepared for college.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is College Useful?

Many People ask is  college useful, well I'm telling you that college is useful because it transforms you into someone that you need to be for the career you chose. Many people come to college for the parties, and to meet new people, but also many come to better themselves. Being a successful person is something that everyone dreams about. Making the decision to go to college will change your life because you get a chance that many people don't get. According to Robert Hoggard "One can never truly understand what determination is without finishing college because studying and finishing assignments on time takes innate willpower that many people who opt-out of college do not possess." For me, I believe college is useful because I know in order to pursue my career I need to get an education. College is a step that would improve someone mentally because it will prepare someone for the things the world has in store for them. In an article Louis Maynard says "College exposes future citizens to material that enlightens and empowers them, whatever careers they end up choosing." As kids we were told that college was something that we had to do once we finished high school, at such a young age most people don't think of college because they see the famous people on T.V that are rich and they didn't go to college so many people base their future off of the celebrities on T.V. Some celebrities on T.V. convey the wrong message to young people because for some it makes them think that college isn't worth the time, so many kids don't apply themselves to their work because they want to be like the celebrities. During my four years of high school my teachers held my hand and let me do things that I can’t do now that I am in college, so now I have to adjust o doing everything by myself and not have my teacher helping me through it. Holly Higgins says "Don't think it's just about what employers want. University is a great opportunity to learn what you can do as an individual." As kids we went through many preparation stages when it came to education from preschool to high school we had someone by our side every step of the way to hold our hand and to help us through every assignment and project. Many may find college difficult because in college your teachers don't hold your hand like your teachers did throughout your school career. For many students high school crippled them and it is now hurting them because they aren't use to having to do work completely by themselves, which is another reason why college is a decision that everyone should make because it prepares you to do things by yourself. According to Bobby Fang "Studies show that nationally, 60 percent of students graduate in majors different from those in which they began." College is a useful tool because it can change someone's  entire life and help them help someone else. Another reason why many people do not want to go to college is because of the money and the loans they will have to get just to be able to afford college. According to C. Cryn Johannsen "According to the Department of Education, those recent graduates who began repayments in 2009, 8.8 percent had already defaulted on their federal loans." Yes, college is expensive but this is one expense that is worthwhile it will follow you for the rest of your life and can help you in many different situations.  When it comes to education and your future I don't believe that it should be a price on that. If all of the people in the world didn't make the decision to go to college our world as we know it would very hectic. Without college educations we wouldn't have any doctors, nurses, lawyer or anyone that keeps us safe or regulate our world as we know it. Would you want to live in the world we live in now or an educated one? I have figure that even by experience that if you present an idea to a young person and it doesn't appeal to them they will not think about that idea at all because it didn't appeal to them. I believe that if there was a way to appeal to the young kids about college that a lot of people that will give the thought of college another thought. For most people it’s not all about making money sometimes it is about them making something of them self or trying to make a better way for their family and if they go to college they will find that their professors will support their motives and help them. The professors in college are they to support you and help you and they will make it very comfortable for you. Yes there are some point’s negative points but overall I believe that a college education is a positive stepping stone for anyone who has plans of a big future. There has been a record of a lot of college drop outs, but according to Hvolbeck  "Education as a dwelling in the human experience of reality is ending. As with the Roman Empire, it is ending with a whimper, not a bang." Our generation needs to change that because we have very smart young people we just have to get their attention. Young people who love money, college is the head start that you need because it will put you one step closer to the money you want. You don't have to go to college to be successful but it is a wonderful idea for everyone to jump start what could be a wonderful life,, all because you took the time to make a decision that will change your life. The choice is totally up to you no one but you so you make the choice! I know that college is useful for me but my question to you is, do you think college is useful for you?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why College

"Why college?" I chose to go to college because I wanted to better myself, give myself a better future. Since I was a little kid I always wanted to attend college, going through each year at school made me realize that I was another step closer to reaching my dream. Another reason is that my parents both went to college and they did not finish because they let someone tell them that they were not smart enough to finish school. My sister graduated from University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa so when she graduated she told me to go to school and make something out of myself and never let a person tell me that I wasn't smart enough to finish school. My parents didn't care what school I went to they just wanted me to go to school and excel so I can have a great future. As a kid I saw all the different professions that people had and the one thing they all had in common was that they all went to school and from then on I knew in order for me to get the career I wanted I had to go to school. I love school, because I love being introduced to new things that will expand my knowledge. So I guess to answer the question "Why College?" it would be to say that I didn't have a choice this was a priority, because I know that in the end I will be happy with what I accomplished.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Janacia Jackson

Hi Everyone, my name is Janacia Jackson and I was born in Birmingham, Alabama. I have three siblings and I am the youngest but I am the protector of all my siblings. I graduated from a Fultondale High School which is very small. I had a lot of fun in high school and I loved my English class. I played basketball and volleyball during high school and I did field events in track. I am very spoiled since I am the baby. Many people call me Jay, because they cant pronounce my name correctly. My hobbies consist of anything sports related singing, and dancing. I love to sing with my mom and sister. I feel that I achieved a lot in high school and I changed for the better. I was accepted at many different Universities but I chose to come to Jacksonville State University because their Nursing program was ranked very high. I planned on majoring in Nursing and minoring in Sports Medicine, but I couldn't do that so I just made my minor my major and I will return to school after I graduate to get a degree in Nursing. Next year, you will hopefully see me playing on both the Volleyball and Basketball team. I am loving Jacksonville State University so far and I know that I will enjoy this class and I am very excited about all the things that I will learn.I know that when we leave this class we will leave with more knowledge about this than when we walked in. You can follow me on Twitter @Tru_Songbird.